Current openings at Clean Crop Technologies, Inc.

About Us

Clean Crop Technologies ("Clean Crop") stops crop loss at the source, removing pathogens from seeds before they are planted, increasing yields, reducing in-field waste, and improving food safety. Clean Crop’s Clean Current technology combines electricity and food-grade gases to create cold plasma, inactivating a broad spectrum of contaminants from seed surfaces in a dry, automated, and residue-free process. Clean Crop’s vision is to deploy its Clean Current system as the first line of defense against crop disease globally. We are building a dynamic team of engineers and technicians, administrators, and scientists with a passion for innovation, experimentation, pushing the envelope of what's possible, and a hunger to work at a fast-paced start-up. If that sounds like you, we'd love to talk! 

Diversity, equity and inclusion are priorities for our company. We believe that business has the opportunity to accelerate social change, and that it is our responsibility to further equality for all. Our aspiration is to create a workplace that looks like society, and to do this, we need to accelerate representation. We are committed to building a business where we attract and retain people and partners who provide their unique wisdom, perspective, and experiences. This requires providing justice, fairness, and access to opportunities and resources for the top talent that we attract and retain.

Our mission is to deploy sustainable technology solutions to help feed the world without burning it down. 

Our Values:

Be Safe: Respect the science, and ensure safety is always the top priority. 

Be curious, and foster curiosity in others: We question everything, always looking for where conventional wisdom is wrong, and a better way to do things. When you see a problem, try to solve it; if you don’t know how to solve it quickly, find someone who can, and get it done. There is wisdom in crowds that will increase our chances of success faster, and collaboration internally and externally will always beat a lone wolf approach.

Relentless focus on customer needs: Everything we do is to generate tangible value for customers and solve their most critical problems. We build technologies to solve problems for customers, not the other way around.

Compassionate candor: Be transparent with each other and our customers, always. We do not shy away from disagreement or conflict, but approach it with respect, curiosity, and an open mind. This is rooted in a deep commitment to humbly respect feedback and criticism to help each other grow and is deployed across all constituencies at all levels of seniority.

Remember the magnitude of our mission and impact: Our business is innovating a new industry category to unlock value by making our food system more sustainable. This requires us to be bolder, faster, more tenacious, and unafraid of the unknown than in established industries. 

Make it work first, then make it better: We build products to meet customer needs and focus on de-risking everything to the highest standard before optimizing anything. 

"Civilization as it is known today could not have evolved, nor can it survive, without an adequate food supply." — Norman Borlaug
