Current openings at Core
Our mission is to enable fitness instructors to launch, scale, and grow their business. To do this, we provide a one-stop-shop for content and client management that powers the instructor’s own branded experience across iOS, Android, and web. They set the prices. They own the content. They own the customers. It’s their business powered by Core.
We really care about moving the fitness industry from something that is overly aspirational to something much more foundational. As JFK said, "everyone should be given the opportunity to make and keep himself physically fit. Fit to learn. Fit to understand. Fit to grow in grace and stature. Fit to fully live." And we believe that by helping instructors build sustainable businesses, we can help people move a bit more and thus find more vigor in life.
We are venture backed and incubated by Kevin Ryan and the incredible team at AlleyCorp — originators of companies like MongoDB, BusinessInsider, Zola, GIlt Grope, and many more.