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2024 Undergraduate Case Competition Registration


– Fall 2024 –


Founded in 1986, Farallon seeks investments across asset classes and around the world through a process of bottom-up fundamental research and analysis emphasizing capital preservation. Our investment strategies include Credit, Long/Short Equity, Merger Arbitrage, Healthcare, and Real Estate. The firm is headquartered in San Francisco and has offices in London, Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, São Paulo, and New York.


The goal of Farallon’s undergraduate case competition is to advance the understanding and practice of investing through real world examples.

Farallon investment professionals will serve as judges and provide feedback on case submissions to all participating teams. The top three finalist teams will have the opportunity to present their cases in person to Farallon investing professionals at our headquarters in San Francisco. The firm will cover travel and hotel expenses for the selected finalist teams. The winning team will be selected and announced at our San Francisco finalist event.

In recent years, alternative data has become increasingly important to investment underwriting for Farallon and our peers in the asset management industry. Alternative data may include credit card data, geospatial imaging, clinical trial data, Google trends, etc. Teams are encouraged, though not obligated, to incorporate alternative data – where accessible – into their pitch. Where inaccessible (i.e. requires payment, specialized technical skills, and/or a disproportionate amount of time to process the data), teams may instead point to the specific data source and describe how it would be used to explore a hypothesis or support the thesis.


Teams of 3-4 students should select a public company they believe has the greatest potential for price appreciation over the next 3-5 years.

Please note that the company must:

  • Be listed on a US stock exchange
  • Have a market capitalization of at least US $1 billion

Successful analysis should provide insight into why the team’s view of the company’s value is different from its publicly traded value.


First Place Team: $5,000 sponsorship gift to the team’s student investment club

All Other Finalist Teams: $2,000 sponsorship gift to the teams’ student investment club


The goal of Farallon’s investing summer internship program is to encourage the pursuit of investing as a career by providing interns with a broad introduction to the firm’s public and private investment strategies. Interns will be placed within one of our teams and will work alongside our investment professionals.

All sophomore (Class of 2027) case competition participants will be automatically considered for Summer 2025 investing internship positions at Farallon. Students selected for the interview process will be contacted directly. We anticipate conducting interviews beginning in mid-November and offers will be extended subsequently.


NOTE: Confirm your team name before submitting this registration form.

Participants are to compete in teams of 3-4, and follow these criteria when selecting a team name:

  • Name should neither be affiliated with nor identify the team’s school or student organization (E.g. No school mascots)
  • Name should not contain “Farallon”

All team member registration forms should be submitted before case study materials are uploaded. Teams with missing team member registration forms, or with team names that do not comply with the guidelines, will be disqualified and their case study materials will not be entered into the judging process.

What you will need to complete the registration form: 

  • Current Resume
  • Current GPA 
  • LinkedIn Profile URL
  • Your personal email address (.com)
  • Your school email address (.edu)
  • Team Name
  • Student organization your team will represent

We are targeting sophomores (Class of 2027), but all undergraduates are welcome to participate in the case competition.


October 7:                    Kick-Off Webinar & Team Registration Opens

November 6:                Deadline to Register Team & Submit Case Materials

November 15:              Finalists Notified

                                      Case Submission Feedback Shared with Non-Finalists

November 21:              At our San Francisco Office

                                      Finalists Present Cases to Farallon Investing Professionals

       Finalists who are sophomores (Class of 2027) will have the option to interview in person for a Summer 2025 investing team internship on November 22


  • Confirm your case team members and your team name
  • Confirm your team name complies with guidelines
  • Confirm your written report, Excel model, and PowerPoint presentation comply with guidelines

By 11:59 pm PT on November 6, 2024:

  • Each team member submits a registration form via the Farallon Careers site
  • One designated team member uploads required case study content via ShareFile, with each document titled as instructed under “Submission Guidelines” section

We wish all participating teams good luck and look forward to receiving your case submissions!


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indicates a required field


Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, txt, rtf

Please provide an additional email address if the one listed above is a ".edu" address.

If the email listed above is a ".com" address please enter "N/A" in the text box.

Please list month and year in this format: MM/YYYY.

If your team is selected as a finalist, your prize will be awarded to this student organization.




U.S. Standard Demographic Questions

We invite applicants to share their demographic background. If you choose to complete this survey, your responses may be used to identify areas of improvement in our hiring process.