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Request for Proposal: Public Relations Agency


Top Line Objective:

Girl Effect is seeking the services of an experienced Public Relations (PR) agency  to amplify  issues adolescent girls and women face such as  technologically facilitated gender-based violence,  sexual and reproductive health concerns and mental wellbeing and amplifying the voices of girls and young women in media. The PR agency will play a key role in ensuring  Girl Effect’s impactful work on   empowering young girls and youth while building a strong case for investing in young girls as a catalyst for social change is properly disseminated in media.

The below RFP consists of scope of work and deliverables for three distinct themes and the bidding agency is required to work on all three.

Who We Are

Girl Effect is an international non-profit that connects girls to the resources and support she needs to overcome barriers, see themselves differently and unleash their full potential. We believe that the most powerful force to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty is GIRLS. When you connect GIRLS to what they need, unleash the limits communities set for them, and change how girls see themselves- they change the world. That’s the Girl Effect.

Our approach redefines what girls think they can and should do. We do this by building digital and media technologies that girls want, trust and need. From chatbots and applications to chat shows and TV dramas, our approach uses modern technologies to reach girls where they are today.  Our reach is 50 million and counting. 

We are girl centered. We engage girls through evidence-based social and behavioural change. We meet girls where they are today, in the spaces, on the platforms and channels they trust and love. We work with governments to transform systems to work for HER. 

We reach girls across the world, where they are -online and offline, to support them at the critical moments in life when choices around their health, education and economic future need to be made. 

We use our expertise in behavior change science to motivate and equip girls with information and support to help them see a different future for themselves, act on those choices, and drive greater demand for the opportunities and services available to them. 

Chhaa Jaa in India, Tujibebe in Tanzania, and Yegna in Ethiopia - are some of our youth brands. They exist across multiple channels - digital ( Meta, Google and other SM platforms), TV, radio, print and offline. Where required and relevant, we also use white-label brands for specific campaigns. 

Girl Effect in India

In 2019, Girl Effect launched Chhaa Jaa, a digital-first youth programme that helps girls in India build the confidence to make choices and changes in their lives - from accessing information about her body and services around her, to negotiating about education choices or whether to use contraception. Chhaa Jaa was designed keeping in mind adolescent girls between 17-19 years, currently in higher education, and accessible online via mobile – whether girls own or borrow a mobile phone. 

Over the last four years, we have invested in setting up key online assets and infrastructure that can be leveraged to deliver programmes under a range of thematics for older adolescent girls. We have built a multi-product digital ecosystem of products - across ‘broadcast’ and ‘interactive’ features - that are social media-based and available to girls whenever they need it. 

This includes:

  • Chhaajaa : an Inspiring and enabling  girls’ channel  for  social and behavior change on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
  • Bol Behen : An AI-enabled chatbot on- WhatsApp that allows girls to explore sensitive topics such as mental health, menstruation, relationships in a safe 1:1 space and nudges them to connect with adolescent and women’s health services.
  • A website aggregating youth-friendly services and is updated regularly with blog content.
  • BAK BAK gang: A girls-only Facebook group to experience social support and a sense of community.

Theme 1: Cervical cancer prevention awareness  

Girl Effect India is working to improve the health of adolescent girls and young women by increasing demand for and uptake of priority health services and addressing barriers to access. This includes building awareness of cervical cancer among girls and parents, alongside improving adolescent health and wellbeing through immunization, menstrual health management, nutrition and mental wellbeing programs and digital interventions..

 The selected PR agency will collaborate with Girl Effect India to amplify efforts for  cervical cancer prevention at both national and state levels. The agency will play a critical role in media engagement, stakeholder communication, and advocacy, ensuring broad awareness of cervical cancer risks and mitigation through immunization.

1. Strategic Communication & Messaging

  • Develop a PR and media strategy aligned with Girl Effect India’s objectives for cervical cancer prevention.
  • Craft key messages tailored for diverse audiences (adolescent girls, parents, healthcare providers, policymakers, educators).
  • Develop press materials including press releases, media briefs, fact sheets, and FAQs.

2. Media Relations & Outreach

  • Build and nurture relationships with key national and state-level journalists, editors, and public health experts.
  • Secure media coverage in national and regional newspapers, TV, radio, and digital platforms.
  • Organize press briefings, media roundtables to drive informed reporting on  cervical cancer risks, statistics and prevention.
  • Develop a crisis communication & management plan to address misinformation or concerns.

3. Digital & Social Media Engagement

  • Develop and implement a social media amplification strategy for cervical cancer awareness campaigns.
  • Collaborate with influencers, medical experts, and youth advocates to create engaging digital content (videos, infographics, expert Q&A).
  • Social media listening -Monitor online conversations and provide analysis of the same.

4. Thought Leadership & Advocacy

  • Support participation in national and global health forums, conferences, and panel discussions.

5. State-Level Localization & Community Engagement

  • Develop state-specific PR strategies tailored to regional health priorities, cultural contexts and  media audiences.
  • Engage with local media in priority states.
  • Collaborate with state NGOs to amplify awareness through vernacular media.
  • Host and develop materials for Events - Event branding, backdrop, Standee, tent cards, Photobooth, Giveaways, folder, bag etc. 

6. Monitoring, Measurement & Reporting

  • Track media coverage and sentiment analysis to assess campaign reach and impact.
  • Provide regular PR performance reports, including key metrics of reach, engagement and views.

Theme 2:Technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV)

Girl Effect India is working to empower adolescent girls and young women to navigate the digital world safely, free from harassment and technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV). Through digital literacy education, awareness campaigns, and partnerships, Girl Effect plans to equip girls with knowledge of TFGBV and engage boys, parents, educators, and communities to recognize and mitigate risks posed online.. Girl Effect will facilitate access to support services for girls and collaborate with government bodies, law enforcement, and civil society organizations. 

Addressing Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence (TFGBV) for Girl Effect: The PR agency will work closely with Girl Effect to drive a national conversation on Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence (TFGBV). The agency will focus on raising awareness, fostering sensitivity, and highlighting mitigation measures. Additionally, it will amplify the need for platform accountability, reporting mechanisms, support services, and helplines.

1. Strategic Communication & Messaging

  • Develop an Advocacy strategy to shape public discourse around TFGBV.
  • Develop a Message house with core messages on the nature of TFGBV, its impact on young girls and boys  and available support systems.
  • Create a media brief, fact sheet, FAQs, and highlight True stories to ensure nuanced and ethical reporting.
  • Create an advocacy brief highlighting government policies, platform responsibilities, legal and police resources, and civil society initiatives. 

2. Media Engagement & Public Awareness

  • Build GE’s relationships with national and state-level media (Delhi &  Maharashtra -Mumbai) covering TFGBV.
  • Secure widespread media coverage in print, digital, TV, and radio to spotlight TFGBV as a critical issue and raise awareness on Girl Effect & Partners campaign.
  • Organize media roundtables to raise awareness amongst media to report on TFGBV.
  • Promote awareness of cyber safety measures, legal recourse, and reporting mechanisms available for survivors.
  • Spotlight helplines, support services, and digital safety tools through media collaborations.
  • Organise roundtables with law enforcement, digital platforms, and NGOs to drive visibility for reporting procedures.

3. True Stories & Human Impact Narratives

  • Curate and pitch 5-7 narratives based on true stories  to the media  showcasing the real-life impact of TFGBV.
  • Engage youth advocates and champions to share solutions.

4. Event hosting & support

  • Organize media events/ briefings  to stakeholders, highlighting Girl Effect India's key research findings and stories from young people.
  • Curate 2 state level events featuring young people, platforms, NGOs and experts in adolescent health,  gender and mental wellbeing  to drive conversations on TFGBV. 

5. Digital & Social Media Strategy

  • Partner with digital influencers, Organizations working on TFGBV  and legal/ mental wellbeing / police  experts to drive conversation on TFGBV.
  • Organize online discussions, Twitter chats, and Instagram Live Events  with experts and young people.

6. Advocacy 

  • Facilitate coverage of TFGBV in gender, technology,and human rights conferences to drive systemic change.
  • Publish  best practices, young people’s lived experiences, and expert  recommendations and NGO efforts  in mitigating risks.
  • Help facilitate a TFGBV-focused podcast or webinar series featuring experts, activists, and survivors ( in partnership with media outlet) in Media through a partnership.

7. Monitoring, Measurement & Reporting

  • Track media sentiment and coverage analytics to assess campaign effectiveness.
  • Provide monthly impact reports detailing media reach, audience engagement, and message penetration.
  • Develop case studies  showcasing progress in awareness and reporting mechanisms.

Theme 3: Girl Effect’s youth facing initiatives on ground and online

What You’ll Do

The PR agency will help build awareness of Girl Effect’s AI powered and youth facing initiatives on digital media platforms  on gender equity, mental wellbeing and Adolescent health.




Cervical Cancer Vaccination

  1. PR & Advocacy Strategy Document and presentation deck, Message House 
  2. Press Releases & Media Kits  in 3-5 languages- english, hindi , marathi, and north east languages
  3.  Media Coverage Reports - Monthly and quarterly 
  4.  6-12 State Level Roundtables/ PR events  
  5.  At least 6 Op-eds, 24 Articles  in TV, Print, Online Media  
  6. Influencer & Expert Collaborations for each state 
  7. 6 State-Specific Media Outreach Plans
  8. Event Materials & Support ( Event collaterals, stage and backdrop, AV and sound, Invites, Press kits and press release and bags, delegate badges,  stationery )
  9.  Advocacy brief, Fact sheet for Each language 
  10. Crisis Communication Plan with clear roles and responsibilities and FAQ booklets 
  11. Impact stories from the ground 
  12. Quarterly & End-of-Campaign Report with impact, reach  
  1. Document and presentation: PR & Advocacy strategy, Message house  
  2. Advocacy Brief 
  3. Press brief, Fact Sheet, Case stories based on true stories 
  4. At least 12 Articles in Media in Delhi and Maharashtra highlighting real life stories in media channels that reach young people 
  5. Monthly & Quarterly Media coverage reports and analysis of reach and viewership and/or engagement 
  6.  At least Two state level roundtables with stakeholders (platforms, and young people and media 
  7. Coverage of GE’s social media campaign in at least 10 Impact/ story / media channels 
  8. Social Media listening and tracking of news 


  1. 12 Media Coverage for different youth facing  initiatives, digital & on-ground
  2. 12 Impact stories from Girl Effect’s research and campaigns 
  3. 5 campaign stories in Advertising & media channels

Who You Are

Skills and expertise:

  • Proven experience in public relations, media strategy, content creation, media placement and distribution for social impact organizations ( public health, COVID-19 vaccination, Immunization will be an advantage).
  • Strong understanding of gender equality, girls’ rights, and related thematic issues.
  • A track record of successful PR campaigns that have resulted in increased visibility and advocacy outcomes.
  • Ability to create culturally relevant and contextually appropriate content for diverse audiences.
  • A strong network of media contacts, influencers, and advocates at national & state level (North, North-east, West & South markets).

Expected Commitment

  • The engagement will run for 12 months, with an option for renewal based on performance and project needs.
  • The PR agency is expected to commence work within 1 week of contract signing.

Procurement Timelines

Terms of reference published: 17th February, 2025
Questions/Clarification Deadline: 20th February 2025
Deadline for responses from GE: 24th February, 2025
Deadline for proposal submission:  06th March 2025
Project commencement: 18th March December 2025


This engagement will be managed by the Communications Lead in India, who will work with the successful agency to ensure its timely and thorough execution. 


The agency must be based (preferably Delhi) and have extensive experience in India. The Assignment is to be carried out in India.

Proposal submissions

Your proposal (max 10 pages), should you be interested, should cover the following:

  • Your understanding of the brief and why you are well placed to deliver on the requirements, geographical presence.
  • Credentials/Profile - Please showcase any previous work that you consider to be relevant to what we are trying to achieve and how we approach our work, and the audience that we cater to. Describe the qualifications, experience, and capabilities in providing the requested services.
  • Proposed Approach, work plan, and timeline describing how you will implement,and development process, organogram , team proposed for this project.
  • Reference -  Provide at least three references for similar contracts with a description of the service provided, the value of the contract, and the contract periods of performance.
  • Information on Additional Services – please provide any information on additional services that you believe would be pertinent and align with GE’s mission, vision, and values.

Financial Proposal

  • A breakdown of the financial proposal in INR in the given financial template.
  • The breakdown of costs per activity with detailed cost breakdown by units and frequency. Refer to this link to fill in the detailed Budget.

All applicable taxes should be quoted separately.

In their technical proposal, the bidder must demonstrate an understanding of the requirements described in the RFP and demonstrate how the bidder will meet the requirements of the evaluation criteria.

Technical and Financial proposals will need to be submitted as separate documents. Financial bids will not be opened until the technical evaluation and then only for those proposals deemed qualified and responsive.

GE is not liable for any cost incurred during the award/contract preparation, submission, or negotiation of the award/contract. All submitted documentation and/or materials shall become and remain the property of GE.

VALIDITY of the proposal shall be for 90 days from the date of bid closure.

Evaluation Criteria

The criteria against which proposals will be evaluated are listed below.

Technical Evaluation

  • Interpretation and understanding of this TOR  [20%]
  • Company Profile and Organizational Capacity [10%]
  • Experience in carrying out similar assignments [10%]
  • Geographical Presence in India [5%]
  • Proposed methodology and approach criteria [20%]
  • Evidence of a minimum of three contactable references -  [5%]

Financial Evaluation

  • Value for money/proposed budget breakdown - 30%


If you have any questions about this RFP, please email by February 20, 2025. All questions will be answered and shared with all agencies that have received the RFP for fairness. FAQ

How to Apply

Please submit proposals, as described above, to Girl Effect’s procurement team ( by the 06th of March. Please mark your email with the subject line, ‘‘PR Agency- Girl Effect India.’


Girl Effect India is obliged by the Indian tax authorities to ensure all taxes are charged where applicable. Applicants are advised to ensure that they have a clear understanding of their tax position regarding provisions to Indian tax legislation when developing their proposals.


All materials/documents arising from this consultancy work shall remain the property of Girl Effect.


GE reserves the right to determine the structure of the process, the number of short-listed participants, the right to withdraw from the proposal process, the right to change this timetable at any time without notice, and reserves the right to withdraw this tender at any time, without prior notice and without liability to compensate and/or reimburse any party. GE shall inform the ONLY successful applicant(s). The process of negotiation and signing of the contract with the successful applicant(s) will follow.

Please note: We will evaluate only proposals submitted following the application process outlined in the TOR and using our specified email address (


You may be required to undertake safeguarding checks. Shortlisted consultants will be assessed on our organisational values at the interview stage. The successful consultant will be expected to adhere to our safeguarding policy. We encourage you to read and understand our safeguarding policy, the executive summary of which can be found here. We have zero tolerance for all forms of violence against children, beneficiaries and staff. 

Equal Opportunities 

Girl Effect Services is committed to equal opportunity regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, gender, gender identity or expression. We are proud to be an equal-opportunity workplace. 

We are committed to building an organization that is increasingly representative of and works extensively with the communities that we serve. To this end, due regard will be paid to procuring consultancy service organizations and individuals with diverse professional, academic and cultural backgrounds.


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