Current openings at Enfusion


Here you will find all of our global roles that we are actively seeking referrals for. At Enfusion, we strive to hire the best talent possible, and believe our existing employees are in a great position to help us find these candidates. We would love your help in finding our future Enfusionists.


How to submit your referral:

  1. Go to your Greenhouse dashboard
  2. Scroll down to 'Add a Referral'
  3. Select the appropriate job by searching the job name
    • If you don't see an appropriate job, select one in the "General Employee Referral Inbox" for your respective region
  4. Complete the information and submit
  5. The recruiter managing the job you submitted to will be notified and reach out to your referral within 2 business days.  General Employee Referrals will be reached out to within 10 business days 


Questions and concerns can be directed to your local Talent Acquisition team.


7 jobs

Product Support

Product & Business Analysis