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UK-Med Codes of Conduct Review Panel Member

UK-Med currently uses three different codes of conduct:

  • The UK-Med Code of Conduct
  • The UK EMT Code of Conduct
  • The Child Protection Code of Conduct

We are setting up a short-term review panel to review the content, format and wording of the Codes of Conduct to ensure they are up to date with the latest best practice and suitable for the ways in which UK-Med and the UK EMT plan to operate.

We are seeking UK-Med Register members to join the panel on a voluntary (unpaid) basis.  The panel will run between February and May 2023.  Being a panel member involves attending three meetings remotely via Microsoft Teams (approximately 7 hours in total) and reading and commenting on documents outside of meetings.  Provisional dates for meetings are 23 February 2023, 22 March 2023, 4 May 2023

Suitable people:

  • Will be members of the UK-Med Register (you may have joined initially through any of the previous registers e.g. UK EMT Register, ORR, Humanitarian Health Register, Leadership and Coordination Register)
  • Will have some experience working in at least one humanitarian health response (either with UK-Med or another agency)
  • Can be from any professional background
  • Can be located anywhere
  • Do not need any particular expertise in Codes of Conduct

How to Apply

Please express your interest by applying on the form below no later than Friday 3 February 2023.

We will judge expressions of interest based on the written submissions through this form.  Please also make sure that your CV on Beacon is up to date as we may refer to this.  We may call shortlisted candidates for a short discussion before accepting people onto the Panel.


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Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, txt, rtf

We will be looking for people with a range of different levels of experience

Specialist expertise is not required